Well, here are the feet we're trying to "find". We've made some progress with Swati and Nilesh and Steve on websites, logos etc. We're thinking of including a sketch of Imogen's foot in the logo somehow.. so I took a picture of it. Rather sweet little foot I think!
More volunteers and ideas for fundraising are flooding in. My sister's eldest three daughters were first up with a plan for a major cycle ride. Two volunteers for half marathons, more runners, cyclists etc - an energetic lot of friends we have. Bruce and I are considering doing a beginners triathlon.. not actually signed up yet. Another thoughtful friend (with my mental health in mind I think) is sponsoring me a pound for every hour of telly I watch, not including the news and kids' programmes. That'll be a cheap one. A colleague (also probably with my mental health in mind) is trying to balance out my political views by sponsoring me £50 to read 5 articles/blog postings by some rabid right-wingers. My choir is considering a sponsored hymn-sing... and there's more.
We've also got plans for raising a fair bit of the cash we need from our own income too, without mortgaging ourselves to the hilt - cutting back on some stuff and taking a mortgage payment holiday will get us started with a few thousand.
I've also, in usual Sue style, fitted in a kids party, wrapped almost all of the pressies, been to a christingle service, taken the children swimming, and sung in our Christmas Carol service.
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